Stoic Strategies for Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are common challenges that many people face in their daily lives. Stoic philosophy offers practical and effective strategies for managing these difficulties, helping us to develop greater emotional resilience and maintain a sense of inner calm. In this article, we will explore the Stoic approach to dealing with stress and anxiety, and provide actionable strategies for incorporating these principles into your daily life.

Stoic Principles for Managing Stress and Anxiety

Stoic philosophy teaches us that our perceptions and judgments play a crucial role in determining our emotional responses to life events. By adopting a more balanced perspective and practicing emotional mastery, we can learn to manage stress and anxiety more effectively. Some key Stoic principles for dealing with stress and anxiety include:

  1. Distinguish between what you can control and what you cannot: According to the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, we should focus our efforts on the things we can control, such as our thoughts and actions, while accepting the things we cannot control, such as external events or other people's behavior. This can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety by encouraging a more balanced perspective.
  2. Practice negative visualization: This Stoic technique involves mentally rehearsing potential challenges or setbacks before they occur, allowing us to prepare ourselves for difficult situations and develop greater emotional resilience. By imagining the worst-case scenario, we can develop a sense of preparedness and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  3. Cultivate emotional resilience: Stoicism teaches us to develop emotional resilience by practicing self-control, patience, and endurance in the face of adversity. By cultivating these qualities, we can better manage stress and anxiety and maintain a sense of inner calm.
  4. Adopt a cosmic perspective: The Stoics encouraged us to adopt a cosmic perspective by reminding ourselves of the vastness of the universe and the impermanence of our lives. This can help to put our problems into perspective and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

Practical Strategies for Dealing with Stress and Anxiety Using Stoicism

To incorporate these Stoic principles into your daily life and better manage stress and anxiety, consider the following practical strategies:

  1. Reflect on your sphere of control: Take time each day to reflect on the aspects of your life that are within your control and those that are not. Focus your efforts on the things you can influence, and practice acceptance for the things you cannot change.
  2. Engage in daily meditation: Establish a daily meditation practice, focusing on your breath, body sensations, or a specific mantra. This can help to cultivate mindfulness and develop greater emotional resilience in the face of stress and anxiety.
  3. Journal your thoughts and feelings: Maintain a daily journal where you record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to stress and anxiety. This can help to promote self-awareness and provide valuable insights into the sources of your stress and anxiety.
  4. Practice negative visualization: Regularly engage in negative visualization exercises, mentally rehearsing potential challenges or setbacks before they occur. This can help to develop emotional resilience and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  5. Connect with a supportive community: Seek out a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your interest in Stoicism and its principles. This can provide valuable encouragement and motivation as you work to manage stress and anxiety.
  6. Seek professional help if needed: If you find that your stress and anxiety are significantly impacting your daily life, consider seeking the support of a mental health professional. They can provide guidance and resources to help you better manage your stress and anxiety using Stoic principles and other therapeutic techniques.


Stoic philosophy offers a wealth of practical wisdom and guidance for managing stress and anxiety, helping us to develop greater emotional resilience and maintain a sense of inner calm.